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Chestnut Street- Maeve Binchy (Audiobook)

Chestnut Street- Maeve Binchy (Audiobook)Chestnut Street- Maeve Binchy (Audiobook)Chestnut Street is a place in Dublin where neighbors come and go. Behind their doors, we encounter very different people with different life circumstances, occupations, sensibilities—and stories. 
        Maguire, the window cleaner, must do more than he bargained for in order to protect his son. Nessa Byrne’s aunt visits from America every summer, turning Nessa’s house—and world—upside down. . . .

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Tags: Maeve, Binchy, Audiobook, Street-, Chestnut, different
Never Lonely Again

Never Lonely AgainNever Lonely Again

Let me tell you a little secret. When I was about your age, I often felt very lonely. Sometimes I had no friends to play with and I thought that nobody cared how I felt. I still remember that very well. Most grownups have forgotten how it feels to be lonely, because they always seem to be so busy.
Chestnut, the squirrel in our story, also felt lonely. But one day something happened that opened his eyes.
Tags: lonely, squirrel, story, Chestnut, because, Never, Again, Lonely, always
The First Wall Street: Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, and the Birth of American Finance

The First Wall Street: Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, and the Birth of American FinanceThe First Wall Street: Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, and the Birth of American Finance

When Americans think of investment and finance, they think of Wall Street—though this was not always the case. During the dawn of the Republic, Philadelphia was the center of American finance. The first stock exchange in the nation was founded there in 1790, and around it the bustling thoroughfare known as Chestnut Street was home to the nation's most powerful financial institutions.

Tags: Street, Chestnut, Philadelphia, American, nation