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Subjects in English: From Valency Grammar to a Constructionist Treatment of Non-Canonical Subjects
Subjects in English: From Valency Grammar to a Constructionist Treatment of Non-Canonical SubjectsTRENDS IN LINGUISTICS is a series of books that open new perspectives in our understanding of language. The series publishes state-of-the-art work on core areas of linguistics across theoretical frameworks as well as studies that provide new insights by building bridges to neighbouring fields such as neuroscience and cognitive science.
Handbook of Language and Politics
Handbook of Language and PoliticsThe Routledge Handbook of Language and Politicsprovides a comprehensive overview of this core and dynamic area of study and research. Language is indispensable to initiating, justifying, legitimatising and coordinating action as well as negotiating conflict and, as such, is intrinsically linked to the area of politics.

Talking Back, Talking Black: Truths About America’s Lingua Franca
Talking Back, Talking Black: Truths About America’s Lingua FrancaIt has now been almost fifty years since linguistic experts began studying Black English as a legitimate speech variety, arguing to the public that it is different from Standard English, not a degradation of it. Yet false assumptions and controversies still swirl around what it means to speak and sound “black.” In his first book devoted solely to the form, structure, and development of Black English, John McWhorter clearly explains its fundamentals and rich history, while carefully examining the cultural, educational, and political issues that have undermined recognition of this transformative, empowering dialect.
Pragmatics: An Introduction
Pragmatics: An IntroductionThis is a succinct introduction to the burgeoning field of pragmatics, the study of language from the point of view of its users, of the choices they make, the constraints they encounter in using language in social interaction, and the effects their use of language has on other participants in an act of communication. Pragmatics reviews the work of Austin, Grice, Searle, Sacks and others and examines the implicit meaning of the irregularities of everyday conversation; and the social importance and the societal determination of even the least consciously proffered "act of language".
Language as Dialogue: From Rules to Principles of Probability
Language as Dialogue: From Rules to Principles of ProbabilityWith her theory of 'Language as Dialogue', Edda Weigand has opened up a new and promising perspective in linguistic research and its neighbouring disciplines. Her model of 'competence-in-performance' solved the problem of how to bridge the gap between competence and performance and thus substantially shaped the way in which people look at language today.
This book traces Weigand's linguistic career from its beginning to today and comprises a selection of articles which take the reader on a vivid and fascinating journey through the most important stages of her theorizing.