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Blue Skies 3 - Workbook
Blue Skies 3 - WorkbookBlue Skies is a seven-level course for young learners. It provides all the important basic grammar and communicative activities needed to give young children a strong and succcessful start in English.

Edited by: englishcology - 15 February 2009
Reason: Combined by IrinaM / Reduced by Englishcology

Tags: Blue Skies3, young, Skies, children, needed, strong, young
A Fine and Private Place
altA  timeless classic of a romance between two ghosts who must fight to remain cognizant of what life and love once were--and still are--is a love story that transcends all love stories and a ghost story that transcends all ghost stories. Funny and heartwarming, it's perfect for young readers and adults alike.
Tags: stories, ghost, transcends, story, young
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Curious Case of Benjamin ButtonComplete, unabridged.
It’s a short story about a man, “born under unusual circumstances,” aging backwards, through a life that is as unusual as could be.
"As long ago as 1860 it was the proper thing to be born at home. At present, so I am told, the high gods of medicine have decreed that the first cries of the young shall be uttered upon the anaesthetic air of a hospital, preferably a fashionable one. So young Mr. and Mrs. Roger Button were fifty years ahead of style when they decided, one day in the summer of 1860, that their first baby should be born in a hospital. Whether this anachronism had any bearing upon the astonishing history I am about to set down will never be known.
I shall tell you what occurred, and let you judge for yourself."

Tags: curious, case, benjamin, button, Benjamin, Button, Curious, Fitzgerald, unabridged, first, young, shall, unusual
Bookworms - The Witches of Pendle Stage 1
Bookworms - The Witches of Pendle Stage 1Witches are dangerous. They can kill you with a look, or a word. They can send their friend the Devil after you in the shape of a dog or a cat. They can make a clay picture of you, then break it...and a few weeks later you are dead. Today, of course, most people don't believe in witches. But in 1612 everybody was afraid of them. Young Jennet Device in Lancashire knew a lot about them because she lived with the Witches of Pendle. They were her family...

Tags: Bookworms Witches Pendle Stage 1, Witches, Pendle, Jennet, Device, Young, afraid, Witches
Our Fragile Planet-Oceans

Our Fragile Planet-OceansEarth's seas play a tremendous role in the planet's systems: Ocean currents transfer water and heat around the globe, and ocean ecosystems are among the most biologically productive anywhere. But the oceans are being abused. Wild fisheries are harvested to the point of collapse, and some aquaculture damages life and the environment. People intentionally or inadvertently dump wastes - sewage, oil, toxic chemicals, detergents, fertilizers, and invasive species - and all have an impact on ocean ecosystems. Offering full-color photographs and illustrations and captivating text, "Oceans" introduces young science students to these urgent issues. This important new work shows how protecting the oceans requires protecting the entire planet, and describes the importance of setting aside marine reserves to save vital ecosystems.

Tags: ecosystems, oceans, ocean, protecting, young