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Proust's English

Proust's EnglishProust's English

English is the "second language" of A la recherche du temps perdu. Although much has been written about Proust's debt to English literature, especially Ruskin, Daniel Karlin is the first critic to focus on his knowledge of the language itself--on vocabulary, idiom, and etymology. He uncovers an "English world" in Proust's work, a world whose social comedy and artistic values reveal surprising connections to some of the novel's central preoccupations with sexuality and art.
Tags: English, Proust, world, language, whose
Finite Group Representations for the Pure Mathematician

Finite Group Representations for the Pure MathematicianFinite Group Representations for the Pure Mathematician

The book is intended to be used as a learning tool by people who do not know the subject, rather than as an encyclopaedic reference. The book's title is intended to indicate both breadth and limitations: it will probably not be very useful to most physicists or chemists, but it is intended to be appropriate for non-specialists in the area of representation theory, such as those whose primary interest is topology, combinatorics or number theory.
Tags: intended, theory, primary, whose, those, Group, Mathematician, Finite
Double Dog Dare

Double Dog DareDouble Dog Dare

A new breed of evil lurks in the latest Pet-Sitter mystery.
Kendra’s boyfriend, Jeff, is missing, his car submerged in a canal. Panicked inquiries lead her to Jeff’s aunt, whose dog died when someone attempted to clone it. Now, Kendra is hounded by questions.
Tags: rsquo, Kendra, someone, whose, inquiries, Double
Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming

Bring Me the Head of Prince CharmingBring Me the Head of Prince Charming

A riotous new fantasy series that will challenge the funniest the field has to offer - from the creator of the bestselling Amber series and one of the genre's legendary humorists. Azzy Elbub, demon, has his sights set on the Millenial Evil Deeds Award, given to the being whose acts do the most toward reshaping the world. But his evil plans go far astray. . . .
Tags: series, whose, toward, being, Award, Bring, Charming, Prince, series, given
Handbook of Modern Sensors: Physics, Designs, and Applications 4th Edition

Handbook of Modern Sensors: Physics, Designs, and Applications 4th EditionHandbook of Modern Sensors: Physics, Designs, and Applications 4th Edition

The Handbook's coverage of sensors is extensive, ranging from simple photodiodes to complex devices containing components in combination. It offers hard-to-find reference data on the properties of numerous materials and sensing elements and emphasizes devices that are less well-known, whose technology is still being refined, and whose use permits the measurement of variables that were previously inaccessible.
Tags: devices, whose, Handbook, permits, measurement, Handbook, devices, Applications, Edition