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Among the Lowest of the Dead: The Culture of Capital Punishment
Among the Lowest of the Dead: The Culture of Capital PunishmentAn extremely well-informed and richly insightful book of great value to students of the death penalty as well as intelligent general readers with a serious interest in the subject, Among the Lowest of the Dead is also exciting reading. The book is an ideal guide for new generations of readers who want to form knowledgeable judgments in the continuing--and recently accelerating--controversies about capital punishment.

Though some crimes and some criminals do not pose a big problem as to their demise, because of a dreadful nature of their deeds,  there still remains an acute problem of judicial errors, and the practicalities of carrying on the sentence: who should be the executioneer?
Tags: readers, Lowest, problem, their, nature
Accurate English: A Complete Course in Pronunciation - (BOOK + AUDIO)
Accurate English: A Complete Course in Pronunciation - (BOOK + AUDIO)Learning to speak a foreign language fluently and without an accent isn’t easy. In most educational systems, students spend many years studying grammatical rules, but they don’t get much of the chance to speak. Arriving in a new county can be a frustrating experience. Although, they may be able to read and write very well, they often that they can’t understand what the people say to them. English is especially difficult. Because pronunciation of words is not clearly shown by how they are written. But the major problem is being able to listen, think and respond in another language at a natural speed. This takes time and practice. AMERICAN ENGLISH
altBOOK ADDED by tals / REDUCED BOOK by Pumukl
Tags: Chapters, language, English, speak, listen, problem, major, language, being
Accelerated Learning Techniques [ABRIDGED] [AUDIOBOOK]

Accelerated Learning Techniques [ABRIDGED] [AUDIOBOOK]


Product Description
Access Your Genius Potential The world's foremost producer of personal development and motivational audio programs now gives you the inside look at techniques to improve the way you learn. Science has suggested that the human mind has an almost infinite potential for learning and processing information. The problem has always been in accessing this incredible power. "Accelerated Learning Techniques" tells you how. 

Tags: Accelerated, Techniques, Learning, learning, processing, information, problem
Robert Harris - Techniques for creative thinking

Robert Harris - Techniques for creative thinkingFirst of all, you should read the introduction which discusses the question: "What can I do to increase my creativity?"
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Problem Reversal
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Applied Imagination - Question Summary
Lateral Thinking
Six Thinking Hats
The Discontinuity Principle



Tags: robert, harris, techniques, for, creative, thinking, Thinking, finding, problem, steps, Problem, Principle, Checklists, Discontinuity, Brainstorming, Lateral, Question, Thinking
Jane Austen - Persuasion (Penguin Readers Stage 2)
Jane Austen - Persuasion (Penguin Readers Stage 2)A Cinderella story from the pen of one of England's finest. Anne is saddled with a father whose ego is the size of a small caribbean island and two sisters whom you will certainly love to hate. Elizabeth makes her father look modest, whilst Mary possesses all the sense and sensitivity of Sir Toby Belch. The fairy godmother figure(her deceased mother's best friend)has...

Edited by: dstep - 30 December 2008
Reason: ifile added

Tags: Penguin Persuasion Stage2 Jane Austen, father, fairy, Belch, sensitivity, possesses, godmother, figureher, friendhas, Problem, links, content, father