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James Watt, Chemist - Understanding the Origins of the Steam Age

James Watt, Chemist - Understanding the Origins of the Steam AgeJames Watt, Chemist - Understanding the Origins of the Steam Age

In the Victorian era, James Watt became an iconic engineer, but in his own time he was also an influential chemist. Miller examines Watt’s illustrious engineering career in light of his parallel interest in chemistry, arguing that Watt’s conception of steam engineering relied upon chemical understandings.
Tags: James, engineering, Steam, Watt\'s, Origins
Capitalism: A Very Short Introduction (Audiobook)

Capitalism: A Very Short Introduction (Audiobook)Capitalism: A Very Short Introduction (Audiobook)

Capitalism deals with the issues that have preoccupied thinkers from Marx and Weber through to Cuddens and Soros. It examines not only issues of great contemporary importance, such as modern globalization and ecological crises, but also looks at examples from the ancient world.
Explaining the origins of capitalism, this Introduction raises the issue of whether capitalism indeed originated in Europe.



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Tags: capitalism, Introduction, issues, Capitalism, origins, Audiobook
The Origins of the Slavic Nations: Premodern Identities in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus

The Origins of the Slavic Nations: Premodern Identities in Russia, Ukraine, and BelarusThe Origins of the Slavic Nations: Premodern Identities in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus

This 2006 book documents developments in the countries of eastern Europe, including the rise of authoritarian tendencies in Russia and Belarus, as well as the victory of the democratic 'Orange Revolution' in Ukraine, and poses important questions about the origins of the East Slavic nations and the essential similarities or differences between their cultures. It traces the origins of the modern Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian nations by focusing on pre-modern forms of group identity among the Eastern Slavs.
Tags: Ukraine, Belarus, origins, Slavic, modern, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, nations
The Seeds Of Speech

The Seeds Of SpeechThe Seeds Of Speech

Human language is a weird communication system: it has more in common with birdsong than with the calls of other primates. Jean Aitchison explores the origins of human language and how it has evolved. She likens the search to a vast prehistoric jigsaw puzzle, in which numerous fragments of evidence must be assembled. Such evidence is pieced together from a mixture of linguistic and nonlinguistic sources such as evolution theory, archaeology, psychology, and anthropology. This is an accessible and wide-ranging introduction to the origins and evolution of human language.
Tags: language, origins, human, evolution, evidence, Seeds
Dante and the Origins of Italian Literary Culture

Dante and the Origins of Italian Literary CultureDante and the Origins of Italian Literary Culture

An autobiographical, self-reflexive meditation that traces the critic's remarkable routes of growth into a world-class scholar
Tags: Dante, scholar, class, Origins, Italian, Literary, Culture