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Market Leader Elementary Teacher's Resource Book
Market Leader Elementary Teacher's Resource BookMarket Leader Elementary Teacher's Resource Book
This book provides teacher with overview of the whole course, together with detailed teaching notes, background briefings on business content, the text bank (24 optional extra reading texts) and the Resource bank (photocopiable practising communication skills).

Tags: Resource, Leader, Market, Teachers, Elementary
Headhunters and How to Use Them: A Guide for Organisations and Individuals (Economist Series)

Headhunters and How to Use Them: A Guide for Organisations and Individuals (Economist Series)Product Description: When firms need to fill management positions, when experienced managers want a new challenge, or when MBA graduates are looking for their first senior management role, they often turn to headhunters, or, more formally, executive search consultants. This guide provides a clear overview of the executive search market, with specific guidelines on using headhunters effectively, both for individuals looking for a job and organizations looking to fill a role. Headhunters offers advice on what's important in the selection of an executive search firm and provides invaluable networking tips on getting the best search consultants interested in you as a candidate. With the global job market more uncertain than ever, the need for quality career guidance has grown considerably. This new addition to The Economist series helps fill the void for all of those looking for a new job--or a new employee.

Tags: Economist, Periodicals, search, looking, executive, management, headhunters, market, search
Market Leader Intermediate - Practice File [ Book +Audio]
Market Leader Intermediate - Practice File [ Book +Audio]
Market Leader Intermediate - Practice File
Ó÷eáíoe ïocoáèe ïpeäíaçía÷eío äëÿ òex, êòo èçó÷aeò äeëoâoé aíãëèécêèé ÿçûê. Áëaãoäapÿ câoèì ocíoâíûì ÷epòaì - aóòeíòè÷íûì ìaòepèaëaì èç ãaçeòû Financial Times, âeëèêoëeïío ïocòpoeííûì Case Studies, cïeöèaëüíûì êoìïoíeíòaì ïo oòäeëüíûì oòpacëÿì áèçíeca. Market Leader còaë caìûì ïoïóëÿpíûì è aâòopèòeòíûì ó÷eáíèêoì äeëoâoão aíãëèécêoão ÿçûêa êaê â Poccèè, òaê è âo ìíoãèx äpóãèx còpaíax. B äaííoì êópce ó÷aùèécÿ íaéäeò: òeêcòû, oòpaæaþùèe íoâeéøèe òeíäeíöèè â coâpeìeííoì áèçíece; paáo÷óþ òeòpaäü, òecòû è êíèãó äëÿ ó÷èòeëÿ c íoâûìè äoïoëíèòeëüíûìè çaäaíèÿìè è òeêcòaìè; âèäeo, cocòoÿùee èç ceìè ýïèçoäoâ, òeìaòè÷ecêè câÿçaííûx c ìaòepèaëoì ó÷eáíèêa.
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Tags: Leader, Practice, Market, Intermediate, coâpeìeííoì
Market Leader Business English - Elementary (Coursebook + Practice file with Audio + Tests with Audio + Class Cd)

Market Leader Business English - Elementary (Coursebook + Practice file with Audio + Tests with Audio + Class Cd)This course, in conjunction with the Financial Times, offers the most modern material that gives students the opportunity to develop spoken language, expand vocabulary, build basic knowledge of grammar, as well as develop the skills of reference for business correspondence and business presentations. Ideal for students who need to study business vocabulary, rules and traditions of negotiation of business letters and faxes

Tags: Leader, Market, âåäåíèÿ, òàêæå, íàâûêè, business, develop, skills, Audio, vocabulary, business, students
New Edition Market Leader Intermediate TEST MASTER CD-ROM
New Edition Market Leader Intermediate TEST MASTER CD-ROMThe New Edition of Market Leader Intermediate Teacher's Resource Book includes a Test Master CD-ROM which provides an invaluable testing resource to accompany the course. Tests are based strictly on the content of the corresponding level of the book, an interactive menu makes it easy to find the test you are looking for. Types of Test: Placement Test(s), Module Tests, Progress Tests, Mid-Course Test, End-of-Course Test.
==credit goes to tatie==
Tags: CDROM, Leader, Edition, Market, looking, CDROM, Intermediate, Edition