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The Bitterbynde 01 - The Ill-Made Mute

The Bitterbynde 01 - The Ill-Made MuteThe Bitterbynde 01 - The Ill-Made Mute

This first novel by Australian writer Cecilia Dart-Thornton begins the Bitterbynde series, the saga of a young woman's search for her past as well as her destiny. An orphaned refugee taken in as a servant of powerful Isse Tower, a prominent Relay Station in the world's communications network, the main character is a nameless, badly scarred mute with little hope for better--until he escapes by stowing away on a magical Windship and is befriended by cheerful Sianadh, a self-professed madman and adventurer. Sianadh gives his companion two precious gifts: a name, Imrhien, and the knowledge that he is really she, raised as a boy to protect her from even worse treatment.
Tags: Bitterbynde, Sianadh, Windship, befriended, cheerful, Ill-Made
Ramona Quimby 08 - Ramona's World

Ramona Quimby 08 - Ramona's WorldRamona Quimby 08 - Ramona's World

Ramona Quimby is sure fourth grade will be “the best year of her life, so far.” She can show off her calluses from swinging on the rings in the park, sit across the aisle from the boy she calls Yard Ape, and enjoy her cheerful new teacher, Mrs. Meacham. Most exciting of all, Ramona has a new best friend, Daisy.

Tags: Ramona, Quimby, teacher, cheerful, Meacham, World
The Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist

The Berenstain Bears Visit the DentistThe Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist

Sister Bear watches Dr. Bearson fill Brother Bear's small cavity. Then it's her turn in the chair to have a dangling baby tooth removed. An entertaining story for preschoolers of a cheerful and informative visit to a dentist.
Tags: visit, informative, cheerful, preschoolers, dentist, Berenstain, Visit, Dentist, Bears, story