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Last of the Summer Wine ~ BBC Audio
Last of the Summer Wine ~ BBC AudioLast of the Summer Wine ~ BBC Audio
BBC Comedy show starring; Bill Owen, Peter Sallis, Brian Wilde.
Here are Compo, Foggy and Clegg in four episodes from television's long-running popular comedy series. They may be as wrinkled as Nora's stockings but their humour is as fresh as the Yorkshire air. The episodes featured are: 'Ferret Come Home'', 'Getting on Sydney's Wire', Flower Power Cut', and Who Made a Bit of a Spash in Wales Then?'.

These Audio Episodes have linking by Peter Sallis.

They are MP3 Format with a VBR of 80~128.


Tags: Audio, Summer, episodes, Peter, Sallis
LazyTown Greatest Hits Episode (Audio Version)
LazyTown Greatest Hits Episode (Audio Version)
his is an Episode of LazyTown where all the characters chose their favourite songs. It is an MP3 Audio version with the bitrate at 224kbs. I have cut it up into segments so that the songs are easily picked out if that is what is wanted. My daughter wanted the whole show, however! Click 'More' for my Track Listing. Enjoy!
Tags: Audio, Episode, LazyTown, wanted, Version
The Minority Report and Other Stories

The Minority Report and Other StoriesThis collection comprises stories written in the late 1950s and early '60s, a period when Dick was also taking off as a novelist. Some of this has had an influence on his short stories, which are generally longer than before, and which, in some cases are early versions of what would eventually become novels such as the Simulacra and the Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch.

Generally speaking, these are all good to great stories...


Tags: stories, needed, early, Minority, Audio, which, Generally, Eldritch, Palmer
New Headway Talking Points

New Headway Talking PointsNew Headway Talking Points
New Headway Talking Points is a supplementary book for the Mature Exams and can be used for any intermediate level. There is audio for each unit and a Teacher’s Guidebook.

Tags: Headway, Points, Talking, ARCHIVEМАТЕРИАЛЫ, SERVER, Headway, audio, Guidebook, Teacher
New Headway Elementary - WORKBOOK + AUDIO
New Headway Elementary - WORKBOOK+AUDIO
alt Продолжаем раздавать серию New Headway. Сегодня у нас рабочая тетрадочка к уровню elementary, который у нас когда-то раздавался.
Немного напомню о самом курсе:
Курс включает разговорную практику по тематике повседневной жизни с объемом новой лексики 25-30 слов за урок в классе, интенсивное аудирование в классе и дома, и письменные упражнения в рамках домашних заданий.
Учебник рассчитан на достаточно широкую аудиторию — от подростков 13-14 лет и до взрослых. Соответственно подобраны и тематические материалы — тексты, диалоги, цветные иллюстрации.
Существенное достоинство этого учебника — четкая структура, отвечающая задачам комплексного развития лингвистических умений студента: навыков письма (Writing), разговора (Speaking) и понимания (Listening). Приведенный в конце книги грамматический справочник подробен, для удобства фрагменты грамматики в уроках всегда выделены синим цветом.
Спасибки выражаем Браину!

Edited by: decabristka - 12 May 2009
Reason: correct links to WB pasted in the header

Tags: Headway, AUDIO, WORKBOOK, классе, Elementary, mdash, умений