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From One to Zero: A Universal History of Numbers

From One to Zero: A Universal History of NumbersFrom One to Zero: A Universal History of Numbers

As a resource for Teachers of mathematics the book is excellent. It covers the number system of almost every concievable culture and any teacher with the slightest imagination could use the information in an interesting way in the classroom.The book covers a lot of information which is not dealt with by the standard english language history of mathematics books, and as such is an invaluable resource for anyone with an interest in the subject.
Tags: resource, covers, information, mathematics, history, Universal, History
The Three Signs of a Miserable Job: A Fable for Managers (and their employees) (Audio)

The Three Signs of a Miserable Job: A Fable for Managers (and their employees) (Audio)

In this, his sixth and most anticipated fable, New York Times bestselling author Patrick Lencioni takes on his most universal and human topic to date: misery at work. In doing so, Lencioni presents a revolutionary yet simple model for making any job more rewarding and fulfilling.
Lencioni tells the unforgettable story of Brian Bailey, an abruptly retired executive searching for meaning in his career and his life. Through a series of twists and turns, Brian discovers the three universal causes of anguish and frustration at work, and the keys to overcoming them.  
Tags: Lencioni, universal, Brian, twists, turns
Winning Body Language: Control the Conversation, Command Attention, and Convey the Right Message without Saying a Word

Winning Body Language: Control the Conversation, Command Attention, and Convey the Right Message without Saying a Word

 The Unique System of Nonverbal Skills Used by the Most Effective Leaders in Business Today

Whether you're presenting an idea, delivering a speech, managing a team, or negotiating a deal, your body language plays a key role in your overall success.
This ingenious step-by-step guide, written by an elite trainer of Fortune 50 CEOs and G8 world leaders, unlocks the secrets of nonverbal communication using a proven system of universal techniques that can give you the ultimate professional advantage. Learn easily how to:
Tags: proven, using, system, universal, ultimate, techniques, professional, advantage
The Sun Also Rises

The Sun Also Rises (Bloom's Guides)The Sun Also Rises (Bloom's Guides)Published in 1926, Ernest Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" quickly established the author as one of the great writers of his time. Based on Hemingway's experiences, "The Sun Also Rises" is the story of a group of American and English expatriates living in Paris who take an excursion to Pamplona, Spain. The novel has forever associated Hemingway with bullfights and the running of the bulls. This powerful work of modern fiction, filled with memorable characters and universal themes, is summarized in this volume and enhanced by thought-provoking critical extracts

Tags: Hemingway, Rises, universal, themes, summarized, Rises, Hemingway, powerful, modern, fiction
Reiki For Dummies

Reiki For DummiessReiki For Dummiess

Reiki For DummiesMillions of people seek ways to relax, promote healing, or connect with their soul. Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a simple but profound healing system that was originally developed in Japan. Reiki means “spiritual energy” or “universal life-force energy.” The Reiki system is universal because it can be used by people of any background or religion. Reiki For Dummies explains how you can harness this energy for yourself.

Tags: Reiki, energy, universal, system, ldquo, Dummiess, rdquo