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Don’t Look Behind You!

Don’t Look Behind You!

Romantic notions aside, being a safari guide isn’t always particularly glamorous. Quite often it is beset with challenges, like having to spend a night in a thorn tree with marauding hyenas below. But safari guide Peter Allison lives for such moments. Here, the author of the widely praised Whatever You Do, Don’t Run details his time spent in safari camps not only in Botswana but also in South Africa, Mozambique, and Namibia—places he loves, despite how much it feels like they just might be trying to kill him.

Tags: safari, guide, spent, camps, South
Sea Change

Sea ChangeSea Change

Robert Goddard - Sea Change
It is January 1721. London is reeling from the effects of the greatest financial scandal of the age, the collapse of the South Sea Bubble. William Spandrel, a penniless mapmaker, is offered a discharge of his debts by his principal creditor, Sir Theodore Janssen, a director of the South Sea Company, on one condition: he must secretly convey an important package to a friend of Janssen's, Ysbrand de Vries, in Amsterdam.
Tags: Janssen, Change, South, director, Company
Frost and the Mailman

Frost and the MailmanFrost and the Mailman

A mailman, Daniel Wasserman, and one of Santa's elves, Frost, try to save Christmas after it's discovered that Santa's mail has been forwarded to the South Pole.
Tags: Santa, Frost, discovered, forwarded, South, Mailman
My First Pocket Guide to South Dakota

My First Pocket Guide to South DakotaMy First Pocket Guide to South Dakota

The perfect reference guide for students in grades 3-up! This handy, easy-to-use guide is divided into 7 color-coded sections which include: basics, history, geography, people, places, nature, and more. Riddles, recipes, and surprising facts make this guide a delight!
Tags: guide, recipes, surprising, Riddles, nature, First, Dakota, South, Pocket
Popular Mechanics - November 2011 / South Africa

Popular Mechanics - November 2011 / South AfricaPopular Mechanics - November 2011 / South Africa

Popular Mechanics is a service magazine covering a variety of information on home improvement, automotive needs, electronics, computers, telecommunications, outdoors, fitness and science and technology. Each issue contains product evaluations, practical applications, how-to information and news of technological developments.
Tags: Popular, information, Mechanics, evaluations, practical, Africa, South