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Nutrition for Dummies 4th Edition

Nutrition for Dummies 4th EditionNutrition for Dummies
by Carol Ann Rinzler

Nutrition For Dummies, 4th Edition, doesn’t aim to send you back to the classroom, sit you down, and make you take notes about what to put on the table every day from now until you’re 104 years old. You’re reading a reference book, so you don’t have to memorize anything — when you want more info, just jump in anywhere to look it up.
Instead, this book means to give you the information you need to make wise food choices — which
always means choices that please the palate and soul, as well as the body. Some of what you’ll read here is really, really basic: definitions of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and — can you believe this? — plain old water. You’ll also read tips about how to put together a nutritious shopping list and how to use food to make meals so good you can’t wait to eat them.
For those who know absolutely nothing about nutrition except that it deals with food, this book is
a starting point. For those who know more than a little about nutrition, this book is a refresher course to bring you up to speed on what has happened since the last time you checked out a calorie chart.

Tags: about, Dummies, really, choices, means
Hot Potatoes 6.2
Hot Potatoes 6.2Hot Potatoes 6.2
The Hot Potatoes suite includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web.It is really handy for teachers as it facilitates their classroom tasks.
Tags: Potatoes, really, WebIt, exercises, handy
175 Ways to Get More Done In Less Time
175 Ways to Get More Done In Less Time 175 Ways to Get More Done In Less Time
Want to get things done faster so you can accomplish more of your long-term goals? Okay. We'd all like that to happen. But the question we finally have to ask is "How can I do that - get more things done in less time? This book is loaded with ideas. Now, don't expect smoke and mirrors here. And don't look to magically pull a few extra hours for your day out of thin air. Nope, there's no magic formula. But, between the front and back covers of thei book you'll find 175 really really good suggestions that will help you get things done faster ... and usually better. Before you know it, you're back in control - actually achieving those goals you've set for yourself

Tags: things, really, goals, faster, suggestions
Wondrous Wisdom

Wondrous WisdomWondrous Wisdom
Today interest in Kabbalah has exploded worldwide. Millions of people are seeking answers as to what this ancient wisdom really is, and where they can find authentic instruction.
With so many conflicting ideas about Kabbalah on the internet, in books, and in the mass media; the time has finally arrived to answer humanity's need, and reveal the wisdom to all who truly desire to know.
In Wondrous Wisdom you will receive the first steps, an initial course on Kabbalah, based solely on authentic teachings passed down from Kabbalist teacher to student over thousands of years. Offered within is a sequence of lessons revealing the nature of the wisdom and explaining the method of attaining it.
For every person questioning "Who am I really?" and "Why am I on this planet?" this book is an absolute must. "But if you listen with your heart to one famous question, I am sure that all your doubts as to whether you should study the Kabbalah will vanish without a trace. This question is a bitter and fair one, asked by all born on earth: What is the meaning of my life?" Rav Yehuda Ashlag, from Introduction to Talmud Eser Sefirot.

Tags: Kabbalah, Wisdom, wisdom, really, authentic
"Horrible Histories" by Terry Deary (mp3)
"Horrible Histories" by Terry Deary (mp3)"Horrible Histories" by Terry Deary (mp3)
"Horrible Histories" ("Óæàñíûå Èñòîðèè") - ýòî óâëåêàòåëüíûå èñòîðè÷åñêèå áåñòñåëëåðû äëÿ äåòåé è âçðîñëûõ èçâåñòíîãî àíãëèéñêîãî ïèñàòåëÿ Terry Deary. Îíè ïðèçâàíû çàèíòåðåñîâàòü äåòåé èçó÷åíèåì èñòîðèè ñ ïîìîùüþ îñâåùåíèÿ òàèíñòâåííûõ, íåîáû÷íûõ è çàõâàòûâàþùèõ èñòîðè÷åñêèõ ôàêòîâ.

Terry Deary is the world's best selling non-fiction author for children and one of the most popular children's authors in the country. He has written over 140 books, which have been translated into 30 different languages from China to Brazil. In 2003 all 10 children's non-fiction books in the Bookseller charts were by Deary and in both 2003 and 2004 he was the most borrowed non-fiction author (children or adult books) in British libraries.

Birmingham Stage Company will use both actors and Bogglevision, (amazing, live 3D special effects) to bring these two separate plays to life on the stage.

In Ruthless Romans you'll find out how the Romans made murder into a sport in the Coliseum with more fouls even than a Premiership football match! See eight evil emperors, lots of killer kings plus masses of gory gladiators and grim ghouls! With incredible Bogglevision effects you'll feel what it was really like to be a Roman soldier in the greatest army ever seen and fight lots of gory battles with hordes of grotty Celts – but watch out for those flaming arrows whizzing straight for you head!

In Awful Egyptians you'll learn the truth of Tutankhamen and his creepy curse and find out the fearsome facts about 'phabulous' pharaohs, mean mummies and gruesome grave robbers. You'll see how the Egyptians really lived 5000 years ago – how dead bodies were turned into mummies, how the huge pyramids were built and why some Egyptian kings had to wear false beards! Dare you enter through the Gates of the Afterlife? Beware the Evil Eye of Horus, which has its eye on you!

Families across the land must not miss out on this awful chance to travel back in time. Treat your whole family to a great show – both funny and historically informative and discover all the really 'yucky' bits of history that teachers and serious books never tell you!

To be enjoyed by everyone from 5 to 105, and don't forget your mummy!

The publication was sent in by leonid321

Tags: Deary, Terry, books, youll, really