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Allen Tate: Blooms Major Poets: Comprehensive Research And Study Guide (Bloom's Major Poets)

Allen Tate: Blooms Major Poets: Comprehensive Research And Study Guide (Bloom's Major Poets)Allen Tate: Blooms Major Poets: Comprehensive Research And Study Guide (Bloom's Major Poets)

Allen Tate, along with John Crowe Ransom and Robert Penn Warren, was a strong defender of formalism in poetry. Some of his most recognized poems are covered here including "Ode to the Confederate Dead," and "The Mediterranean."
Tags: Major, Poets, Allen, Blooms, Confederate, Poets, Major, Bloom, Study
A. E. Housman (Bloom's Major Poets)

A. E. Housman (Bloom's Major Poets)A. E. Housman (Bloom's Major Poets)

Though Housman has received little critical acclaim, he is seen by some as an undervalued ironist. Examine his work through some of his most renowned critics. His work is examined from various angles, including Housman's divided persona, figurations of time, the poetic tradition, and more.
Tags: Housman, persona, divided, angles, figurations, Major, Poets, Bloom
An Introduction to Twentieth-Century American Poetry
An Introduction to Twentieth-Century American Poetry

This book is designed to give readers a brief but thorough introduction to the various movements, schools, and groups of American poets in the twentieth century. It will help readers to understand and analyze modern and contemporary poems. The book book deals with the work of major modernists such as Robert Frost, Ezra Pound, Wallace Stevens, and Marianne Moore, as well as groups such as the poets of the Harlem Renaissance, the New Critics, the Confessionals, and the Beats. It may be the most clear and comprehensive course in modern American poetry that is available in book form.

Tags: American, poets, groups, modern, readers
Plato and Hesiod

Plato and HesiodPlato and Hesiod

It hardly needs repeating that Plato defined philosophy partly by contrast with the work of the poets. What is extraordinary is how little systematic exploration there has been of his relationship with specific poets other than Homer. This neglect extends even to Hesiod, though Hesiod is of central importance for the didactic tradition quite generally, and is a major source of imagery at crucial moments of Plato's thought. This volume, which presents fifteen articles by specialists on the area, will be the first ever book-length study dedicated to the subject.
Tags: Hesiod, study, major, poets, Plato, crucial, moments
American Women Poets 1650-1950 (Bloom's Modern Critical Views)

American Women Poets 1650-1950 (Bloom's Modern Critical Views)American Women Poets 1650-1950 (Bloom's Modern Critical Views)

This volume gathers together what Harold Bloom considers the best criticism on the principal American women poets. Examined is the work of Anne Bradstreet, Emily Dickinson, Gertrude Stein, H.D. (Hilda Doolittle), Marianne Moore, and Louise Bogan.

This title, American Women Poets (16501950), part of Chelsea House Publishers’ Modern Critical Views series, examines the major works of American Women Poets (1650-1950) through full-length critical essays by expert literary critics.

Tags: American, Poets, 16501950, Women, Modern, Critical