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Transformation of Knowledge Through Classroom Interaction

Transformation of Knowledge Through Classroom InteractionClassrooms provide extremely varied settings in which learning may take place, including teacher-led conversations, small group unguided discussions, individual problem solving or computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL).

 Unity comes from the fact that researchers belong to a common adventure - changing school practices and norms. This adventure is moved by societal ideals of reason and equity. Contexts for learning are not immutable givens. Researchers are interested in implementing certain practices or instilling certain norms

Tags: learning, group, problem, practices, solving, adventure, certain, societal
Field & Stream - March 2010

Field & Stream - March 2010Field & Stream - March 2010

Field & Stream - America's Number One sportsman's magazine, featuring in-depth articles on hunting, fishing, outdoor adventure, and conservation news. First-class fiction, and more. Field & Stream, editorial excellence for over 100 years.
Tags: Field, Stream, conservation, Firstclass, adventure, Stream, Field, March
Candide by Voltaire - Feedbooks Edition

Candide by Voltaire - Feedbooks EditionCandide by Voltaire - Feedbooks Edition

Candide, ou l'Optimisme is a French satire written in 1759 by Francois-Marie Arouet - Voltaire, a philosopher of the Age of Enlightenment. Candide is characterized by its sarcastic tone and its erratic, fantastical, and fast-moving plot. A picaresque novel with a story similar to that of a more serious bildungsroman, it parodies many adventure and romance clichés, the struggles of which are caricatured in a tone that is mordantly matter-of-fact.
Tags: Candide, Voltaire, matteroffact, events, mordantly, Voltaire, Candide, Feedbooks, parodies, adventure
Origami in King Arthur's Court: An Adventure in Folding

Origami in King Arthur's Court: An Adventure in FoldingOrigami in King Arthur's Court: An Adventure in Folding

This brilliant collection of original origami designs brings the medieval world to detailed, three-dimensional life. Following Rozelle's easy-to-understand directions, the reader will be able to fold a knight, his sword, his shield, his horse, his horse's armor, his campaign tent, his page, his page's armor, and more--including Queen Guinevere, Sir Lancelot, Merlin, the Round Table and King Arthur. Illustrations & photos.
Tags: armor, Guinevere, Lancelot, Merlin, Queen, Origami, Adventure, Court
Legions of Space

Legions of SpaceLegions of Space

Two complete novels, and a host of novelettes fill a large volume by the master of science fiction adventure. In the first novel, A Trace of Memory, a drifter named Legion is hired by a millionaire who claims to be centuries old, but has nearly complete amnesia. He can only remember that something is hunting for him, and Legion's job is to protect him. The job turns out to be more than Legion bargained for when he finds himself and his employer on a prehistoric starship hurtling into the unknown.
Tags: Legions, Legion, complete, novel, adventure, hunting, protect