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Main page » Dictionaries and Encyclopedias » The Gale Encyclopedia of Science. Vol.1-6 (2004) 3rd ed.

The Gale Encyclopedia of Science. Vol.1-6 (2004) 3rd ed.


The Gale Encyclopedia of Science
Vol.1-6 (2004) 3rd ed.

The “Gale Encyclopedia of Science” is written at a level somewhere between the introductory sources and the highly technical texts currently available. This six-volume set covers all major areas of science and engineering, as well as mathematics and the medical and health sciences, while providing a comprehensive overview of current scientific knowledge and technology. Alphabetically arranged entries provide a user-friendly format that makes the broad scope of information easy to access and decipher. Entries typically describe scientific concepts, provide overviews of scientific areas and, in some cases, define terms.


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Tags: Encyclopedia, scientific, areas, provide, Vol16